Transport & Delivery Hall

The brand that will once again bring together the transport sector in this new edition of the event

In addition to bringing together the entire logistics and intralogistics sector, Logistics & Automation Madrid will once again be the meeting point for shippers looking for transport services for their goods in 2023.

With the support of ACE Cargadores and Transprime, our strategic partners, the space will have a networking room and an adapted and expanded exhibition space, all seasoned with debates by industry leaders on the current situation. An event that no transport manager will be able to miss.


Logo ACE

Spanish Shippers' Association

Transprime logo

Spanish Association of Loading Companies

Sponsor by



Sessions Transport & Delivery Hall

El Cargador a prueba del futuro.

November 30, 2023

11:00 - 11:20

Novedades e innovaciones sobre el 3PL multicarrier y multicanal

November 30, 2023

12:30 - 13:00

Del puerto a puerto, al puerta a puerta

November 29, 2023

13:00 - 13:30

Corredores digitales aéreos

November 29, 2023

15:00 - 15:30

Alfredo Noguerales, Senior Sales Manager EMEA except Central Europe, LATAM Airlines, Cristina Martín Lorenzo, CEO, Usyncro, Jesús Cuellar, President, Foro MadCargo, Milena Suarez, Senior Account Executive, El Mosca

Hidrógeno para impulsar el transporte de mercancías

November 30, 2023

16:00 - 16:45

Alberto Moral, Gerente de Desarrollo de Negocio Europa del Sur, Carburos Metálicos, Jean-Pierre Riche, Presidente, Phynix, José Luis Vidal, Responsable de Movilidad, Redexis, Pablo Gómez, Director General, FM Logistic, Ramón García, director general, Centro Español de Logística

Due Diligence social y ambiental en las cadenas de suministro globales

November 30, 2023

10:40 - 11:00

Mercedes Ziegner, Supply Chain Senior Consultant, DNV

Plataformas digitales para un transporte más eficiente

November 29, 2023

16:30 - 17:15

Antoine Bertrandy - Executive Director, CargoON, Ignacio Mañas - Business Development Manager Iberia, Alpega, Jordi Périz - Head of Transport for Southern Europe, Veepee, Max Vallvé - FMCG and Retail Sales Executive, Transporeon, Mireia Cortada - Commercial and Business Development Director, Widoit, Nuria Lacaci - general secretary of the Spanish Shippers' Association (ACE)

KPIs in freight transport

November 30, 2023

16:45 - 17:00

Infraestructura 5G and Edge Computing parala transformación digital en logística -Vodafone

November 30, 2023

12:00 - 12:30

The new European regulation on responsible logistics: Due Diligence (CS3D)

November 30, 2023

11:20 - 12:00

Alberto Blanco, CEO Loalco Green y director de Desarrollo Gesprolog, Jordi Espín, Secretario General, Transprime Spanish Shippers' Council, Mercedes Ziegner, Supply Chain Senior Consultant, DNV, Ramón García, director general, Centro Español de Logística, Ramón Valdivia, Vicepresidente Ejecutivo, ASTIC

Ports as allies for the internationalisation of companies

November 29, 2023

15:30 - 16:30

Rail Motorways as a competitive factor in freight transport

November 29, 2023

17:15 - 17:45

Antonio Aguilar, Deputy Director of Freight Transport Promotion, ADIF

Speakers Transport & Delivery Hall

Nuria Lacaci

Nuria Lacaci – general secretary of the Spanish Shippers’ Association (ACE)

Tomás de la Vega, Logistop

Tomás de la vega, managing director of Logistop

Cristina Izquierdo, Vodafone

Cristina Izquierdo Pérez, Head of IoT & 5G Business Development, Vodafone Bussiness

Alberto Blanco- Gesprolog

Alberto Blanco, CEO Loalco Green and Development Director Gesprolog

Jordi Espín - Transprime

Jordi Espín, Secretario General, Transprime Spanish Shippers’ Council

Ramón Valdivia- Vicepresidente Ejecutivo- ASTIC

Ramón Valdivia, Executive Vice President, ASTI

Mercedes Ziegner- Supply Chain Senior Consultant, DNV

Mercedes Ziegner, Supply Chain Senior Consultant, DNV

Andima Ormaetxe, Director de Operaciones, Comercial y Logística de la Autoridad Portuaria de Bilbao

Andima Ormaetxe, Operations, Commercial and Logistics Director of the Bilbao Port Authority

Julio Hernández, Responsable del departamento Comercial y de Desarrollo de la Autoridad Portuaria de Ferrol - San Cibriao

Julio Hernández, head of the Commercial and Development department of the Port Authority of Ferrol – San Cibriao

Patricio Arrarte, Director comercial de la Autoridad Portuaria de Santander

Patricio Arrarte, Commercial Director of the Santander Port Authority

Ignacio Hernani, Jefe de División Comercial de la Autoridad Portuaria de Huelva

Ignacio Hernani, Head of the Commercial Division of the Huelva Port Authority.

Cristina Rodriguez, Jefa de Comercial y Clientes · Autoridad Portuaria de Valencia

Cristina Rodriguez, Head of Commercial and Clients – Valencia Port Authority

Irene Souto, Jefa del Departamento de Desarrollo Portuario y Comercial de la Autoridad Portuaria de A Coruña.

Irene Souto, Head of the Department of Port and Commercial Development of the Port Authority of A Coruña

Antonio Aguilar, ADIF

Antonio Aguilar, Deputy Director of Freight Transport Promotion, ADIF

Ramón Rull, Responsable de Calidad del Port de Barcelona

Ramón Rull, Head of Quality at the Port of Barcelona

Mireia_Cortada_Logistics&Automation-Plataformas Digitales para un transporte más eficiente

Mireia Cortada – Commercial and Business Development Director, Widoit

foto Ignacio Mañas_updated

Ignacio Mañas – Business Development Manager Iberia, Alpega

Max Vallvé – FMCG and Retail Sales Executive, Transporeon


Antoine Bertrandy – Executive Director, CargoON

Jordi Periz

Jordi Périz – Head of Transport for Southern Europe, Veepee


Jesús Cuellar, President, Foro MadCargo

Foto de Milena Suarez

Milena Suarez, Senior Account Executive, El Mosca

Alfredo Noguerales

Alfredo Noguerales, Senior Sales Manager EMEA except Central Europe, LATAM Airlines

Photo Jean-Pierre Riche

Jean-Pierre Riche, President, Phynix


Alberto Moral, Business Development Manager Southern Europe, Carbures Metálicos

Jose Luis Vidal - Redexis

José Luis Vidal, Head of Mobility, Redexis


Pablo Gomez, Managing Director, FM Logistic

Marck Poveda- Cosco

Marck Poveda, Director General para España, COSCO SHIPPING

José María Picazo, Director Comercial para España, Francia y Portugal, MAERSK

José María Picazo, Director Comercial para España, Francia y Portugal, MAERSK


Roberto Rodriguez, Responsable de Logística, CAPSA FOOD

Foto Marta- Cidacos

Marta Castro, Responsable de Logística, CIDACOS

Angel Gil - Alia

Ángel Gil – Gerente, ALÍA

Amelia- Cristobal

Amelia Cantarero – Médico de familia, Cristobal App

Miryam Torrecilla – Responsable de Marketing y comunicación, MAN Truck & Bus Iberia

Miryam Torrecilla – Responsable de Marketing y comunicación, MAN Truck & Bus Iberia


María José Rallo – Secretaria General de Transporte, MITMA

Oriol Lopez Bustos, Director Comercial

Oriol Lopez Bustos, Director Comercial

Networking area

A room in which there will be space for networking between loading companies, transporters, logistics operators and auxiliary industry.

Specialised congress

A space in which, with the help of our partners and the most important brands, we will unravel why the transport scorecard does not work, we will talk about microhubs for urban distribution of goods, rail corridors, supply chain crises, transport, air transport, energy transition and much more.

Adapted exhibition space

Specific stands adapted to the needs of transport companies and auxiliary industries.
I want to know more about the special T&D participation scheme

Transport & Delivery Hall

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