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Our manual workstations have a highly ergonomic, user-friendly design for minimal error rates and maximum efficiency. Our PickStation workstation series is especially ideal for activities like repacking, VAS and packaging.


– HEALTH & EASE OF USE: The ergonomic design of the manual workstations guarantees an ideal
working environment (2019: distinción con el premio de innovación en ergonomía).

– FLEXIBLE USE: Suitable for the most diverse work steps in the processes of goods receiving, order
picking, packing and goods issue.

– MAXIMUM PRODUCT SERVICE LIFE: Thanks to the use of proven state-of-the-art technologies
(such as KingDrive®), PickCenter One offers long service life and a very low total cost of ownership

– PATENTED CURVED DESIGN: Minimal changeover times of origin and destination boxes/bins thanks
to a perfect curved design.

– TARGET SEQUENCER: Constant performance of 600 picks per hour, thanks to direct connection of
the target sequencer.

– ONE WORKSTATION FOR EVERY LOAD: Ideal for cartons, totes and trays.

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